Monday, August 4, 2008


i guess to the world i am one aloof creature....not exactly introvert but moreover the kind of person who likes to keep to oneself.i am sure this kind of demeanour is not applauding,but thats such my life is not that exciting ,but i have my share of expriences.
Lets start with the laest movie that i saw Jaane tu yaa jaana, a very well made movie with tha same old story told in a refreshing way.i think i was in 4th grade i had just come across a spectacled boy with a frail body structure nothing too impressive.....but still took me by storm .And the impact was very profound till my 11th class,but i think its more stable now.
The difference being that now i dont eat,drink and sleep him.
but having spend all my teenage years drooling over one guy looks such a waste to interaction with the opposite sex is on a all time low,cant blame him.never felt like interacting with anyone .and now unlike the movie my story didnt have a happy ending.....its been 4 years since i am on talking terms with him,with only one lesson to learn movies are nothing but imaginative fantasies that only make you cribb about how incomplete your life is.


la kahlfin fan said...

really? You liked him that much? I mean I know u like him, but 'eat, drink and sleep' him??? Usme aisa kya hai ankita?

la kahlfin fan said...

I saw his photo, he's not THAT good looking. And ya, agreed he's a jat, but still, get over him...

la kahlfin fan said...

You wanna know hoe to get over a guy...imagine him doing something farting or something!!

Rohit Kumar Chemudupati said...

pretty depressing stuff u got there in the blog!!

the Dreamy Me said...

main tujhe kaise batao usmae aisa kya tha....there is never evera reason for liking someone...and i guess you know better....